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  2. Todos los productos 3M
  3. Películas y láminas
  4. Películas de transferencia reflectantes
  5. 3M™ Scotchlite™ Lámina reflectante termosoldable segmentada 5697, Amarillo-Plata-Amarillo – 76.2 mm x 100 m

3M™ Scotchlite™ Lámina reflectante termosoldable segmentada 5697, Amarillo-Plata-Amarillo – 76.2 mm x 100 m

  • Referencia 3M 5697
  • 3M ID 7100112925
  • UPC 00051131273856

La lámina de transferencia reflectante ayuda a mejorar la visibilidad del usuario por la noche o en condiciones de poca luz. Las propiedades fluorescentes proporcionan al material visibilidad durante el día, al amanecer y al anochecer.

Ofrece un mayor confort de uso gracias a la segmentación.

Puede utilizarse en prendas de protección ignífugas según la EN 468

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Aspectos destacados
  • La lámina de transferencia reflectante ayuda a mejorar la visibilidad del usuario por la noche o en condiciones de poca luz. Las propiedades fluorescentes proporcionan al material visibilidad durante el día, al amanecer y al anochecer
  • Ofrece un mayor confort de uso gracias a la segmentación
  • Puede utilizarse en prendas de protección ignífugas según la EN 468
  • Los valores de retrorreflexión de la parte central plata de la lámina y los de la parte naranja cumplen con los requisitos de la ISO 20471 para la visibilidad diurna
  • Mayor comodidad gracias a que la cinta es más ligera, transpirable y flexible

Lámina reflectante termosoldable segmentada 5697 de 3M™ Scotchlite™ con un diseño excepcional para ropa de seguridad, como ropa contra incendios y ropa de trabajo resistente al fuego, requiere un alto grado de visibilidad diurna y nocturna.

The 3M™ Scotchlite™ segmented yellow-silver-yellow reflective transfer film 5697 was developed for safety clothing, such as firefighting garments and flame-resistant workwear, requiring a high degree of daytime and night-time visibility. The retroreflective part of the trim shines white when illuminated, even if the wearer is at the roadside. The product is characterised by a high degree of heat resistance and outstanding durability during use. 3M's segmented reflective transfer film consists of high-performance glass lenses bonded to a flame-resistant aramid fabric with a special polymer bonding layer. The reflection values of the silver trim meet ISO 20471 requirements. In addition, the yellow trim ensures daytime conspicuity. Together, they improve the visibility of people during the day and at night. The flame-retardant properties of the garment meet EN 469 flammability requirements. It offers good product quality for fire and flameproof protective clothing washed at home. The segmented reflective transfer film with a high degree of wear resistance and durability is easily washable at 60°C at home (50 cycles as per ISO 20471). The reflective transfer film is assimilated through lamination and is thus permanently bonded to the garment without adding bulk. Because of this, it offers improved wear comfort and is also suitable for garments with membranes. The reflective trim has an unusual appearance, thus ensuring a high degree of recognition. It is available in two different widths. Another advantage: Segmentation ensures better comfort and increased breathability. In addition, the retroreflective properties of the material are independent of the grain on the garment and achieve a good impact even when wet. This means good visibility is ensured for many angles of incidence and even in poor weather conditions. The patented glass bead technology of 3M ensures a very textile appearance, making the fabric flexible and light and creating a high degree of wear comfort. The 3M™ Scotchlite™ brand is known for its high quality. 3M is one of the leading providers of reflective materials worldwide, offering extensive expertise and a wide array of safety solutions. The proven services provided by this multi-technology company include customer support in design development and identification of qualified partners, among other things.

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